/ Civilmedia15 - "UnConference for Community Media & Civil Society" - Salzburg, 7.5. – 9.5.2015, Information and Call for Proposals /
Dear Friends and Followers of Civilmedia,
Salzburg´s Community Media stations Radiofabrik and FS1 announce the 7. International UnConference on Community Media in May 2015.
7.5. – 9.5.2015
Venue: Bergstrasse 12, 5020 Salzburg
Partners (preliminary list): Radiofabrik, FS1, VFRÖ, VCFÖ, Commit,Wissenschaft & Kunst (University Salzburg & Mozarteum Salzburg), CMFE
Organized by Radiofabrik & FS1
Website: http://www.civilmedia.eu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/801196609917909/
/ Call for Proposals:
UnConference means the meeting will be open for proposals. Please send your ideas to
containing basic info
- Topic, Title
- Format, such as "workshop", "panel" etc
- Presenter name
- Length in minutes, wished day & time if any
We will open ASAP a public document for slots and schedule. It will be announced @ Civilmedia Website.
/ Registration & Travel:
Since 2014 Civilmedia has no support anymore from the E. U. We are very sorry, but for that reason we are not able to pay any travel costs of participants.
Please send us a short announcement of your participation
We will open a public participant list soon, the link will be published @ Civilmedia Website.
Salzburg is a very touristic city with tons of hotels in different categories.You will find your way in online booking services like Trivago (http://www.trivago.de).
Because of the holiday on Thursday early booking makes sense.
Our recommendations (close to the venues):
Or near Radiofabrik:
With best regards and greetings from Salzburg to all of you
The Civilmedia Organizational Team
Barbara Winkler (Radiofabrik) - Alf Altendorf (Radiofabrik & FS1) - Regina Würz (FS1)
******* 17 YEARS RADIOFABRIK 1998-2015 *******
:: Alf Altendorf
Managing Director - Geschäftsführung
:: Radiofabrik 107,5 MHz & 97,3 MHz, Kabel 98,6 MHz
Community Radio Salzburg - Freier Rundfunk Salzburg
Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Straße 5, 5020 Salzburg, Austria - EU
office-fon: +43-662-842961-29
mail: a.altendorf(a)radiofabrik.at
mobile: +43-699-1430 1075
web: http://www.radiofabrik.at
::: Radiofabrik @ Social Networks, join one of
Salzburg´s largest Community Projects in Cyberspace!
CBA: http://cba.fro.at/stations/5
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/radiofabrik/
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/radiofabrik_salzburg
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Radiofabrik107.5
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/radiofabrik
delicious: http://delicious.com/radiofabrik/